Welcome to the settlement journey blog for Ascot Place, Ascotvale.
We’re Property Settlement Solutions and we’ve been appointed by Metro Property Development to assist you in your settlement journey.  We will assist in areas such as co-ordinating access for bank valuations, booking your pre-settlement inspection, key collection after settlement and general enquiries.
You can think of us as your settlement concierge; we’re here to help however we can and point you in the right direction with your enquiries.
You’ll hear from us a bit during your settlement journey, and this is page is where updates will be posted. Below we’ll be sharing construction updates & photos, as well as posts letting you know when valuations and purchaser inspections are available. Please also check out our Settlement Guide or our Settlement FAQ for helpful tips to assist you with a smooth settlement.
For your journey Tania Torres will be your settlement co-ordinator. Please feel free to get in touch with her if you have any questions. Tania’s contact details are located at the bottom of this page.
You can also share this page with family, your agent or broker by clicking on the icons below journey blog.



Lots 34-38 TBC


Lots 17-25 ongoing Lots 34-38 TBC


Issued for lots 17-25


Received for first & second block of townhouses


Lots 17 - 25 settlement is due on the 11th August


August 2023 | Key Collection

Once your settlement has been finalised, collection of your keys and handover manual will be available onsite.

Here are the collection times:

11/08 Friday 3pm – 5pm

August 2023 | Update

Lots 17 – 25 

Settlement has been called and is due on the 11th August.

Lots 34 – 38 Unfortunately the program has moved out.

Lots 34-36 Anticipated settlement is October 2023

Lots 37-38  Anticipated settlement is October-November 2023.

We will advise these purchasers when we have commencement dates.

August 2023 | Owners Corporation & Move In details

Please find details of your Owners Corporation & important Move In details on the below link.

Your Owners Corporation can assist you to obtain a Certificate of Currency, if required by your bank or lender.


End June 2023 | Update

Lots 17 – 25 are still on track for a (mid – late) July settlement with pre settlement inspections to be conducted in mid July. You will receive individual emails allowing you to book these when dates are available.  

Lots 34 – 38 Unfortunately the program has moved out with settlements now not likely until August – September.  Valuations are therefore likely in July to August. We will advise these purchasers when we have commencement dates.


May 2023 | Valuations Bookings Open, Lots 17 - 25

We are pleased to announce that valuation inspections for lots 17 – 25 can now be booked.  Inspections will take place from Tuesday  6th June

Please ask your banks/brokers to instruct a valuation and ask valuers to contact Zoe Mills from Property Settlement Solutions on 0413 479 995 or zoe@settlement-solutions.com.au to make an appointment. Please let us know if you do not require a valuation to complete your settlement. 

Bank valuations for lots 30 – 38 will take place in mid June. We will advise these purchasers of commencement date towards the end of the first week of June. 

Settlements are still programmed for July 2023. We will announce purchaser inspection dates as they come to hand.

May 2023 | Construction Update

Here is the latest update from the developer and builder with regards to settlement timing.

Unfortunately there have been yet more delays, and timing has again been pushed out.  We are sorry and frustrated at having to deliver this news to you and hold no answers except to say, the developer is equally frustrated with the progress of the builder. We can only continue to update you with news comes our way.

Lots 17 – 25  Valuations will now not take place until early June with  settlement now likely for July. 

Lots 30 -33 Valuations are well under way. If you require one and have not already had one booked, urgently contact your bank/broker to get one ordered.  Pre settlement inspections will take place in late May before settlement in late May.

lots 34 – 38: Valuations will now not take place until early June with  settlement now likely for July. 

April 2023 | Construction Update

Here is the latest update from the developer and builder with regards to settlement timing.

Lots 17 – 25 We are waiting to hear if valuations will take place shortly (in April) with purchaser pre settlement inspections now likely to be conducted in May. Settlement is forecasted for May – June. 

Lots 26 -33 Valuations are well under way. If you require one and have not already had one booked, urgently contact your bank/broker to get one ordered.  Purchasers will be sent an individual email when their homes are ready for pre settlement inspections before settlement.

lots 34 – 38:  Valuations should take place in May now, with pre settlement inspections to be conducted prior to settlement forecasted for June. Purchasers will be notified when their homes are ready for both valuations then pre settlement inspections 

March 2023 | Construction Update

Here is the latest update from the developer and builder with regards to settlement timing.

Lots 8-16  Settlement is forecasted for March 2023. Pre settlement inspections are to be conducted on Friday 10th, Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th March. Invitations will go out directly to these purchasers, enabling them to book online. Inspections are booked on a first in, first served basis. Inspections can only be inspected on these two dates. Settlement notices should be going out to purchasers’ legal representatives next week.

Lots 17 – 25 Valuations will take place in April, with purchaser pre settlement inspections to be conducted in April and settlement still forecasted for April – May. 

Lots 26 – 29 Valuations are to take place from Monday 13th March. Purchasers will be sent an individual email regarding this. Pre settlement inspections should also take place this month.

Lot 30 – 33 Valuations will take place a little later in March. Watch out for individual emails regarding this. Pre settlement inspections to be conducted in March and settlement forecasted for March – April. 

lots 34 – 36:  Valuations should take place in April, with pre settlement inspections to be conducted in April and settlement forecasted for April – May. 

Lots 37 & 38 are still forecasted to settle in May 2023.

February 2023 | Construction Update

Unfortunately there have been further delays on site, with the developer frustrated and disappointed with the slippage from the builder. We can only communicate these dates with apologies on our and the developer’s behalf. As each stage draws closer to both valuation then pre settlement inspection dates, we will be in contact with you as to what your actions are. 

Here is the latest update from the developer and builder with regards to settlement timing.

Lots 8-16  Settlement is now forecasted for March 2023, with pre settlement inspections to be conducted in early March

Lots 17 – 25 Valuations should take place in March, with purchaser pre settlement inspections to be conducted in April and settlement forecasted for April – May. 

Lots 26 – 33 Valuations should take place in early March, with pre settlement inspections to be conducted in March and settlement forecasted for March – April. 

lots 34 – 36:  Valuations should take place in April, with pre settlement inspections to be conducted in April and settlement forecasted for April – May. 

Lots 37 & 38 are now forecasted to settle in May 2023.

January 2023 | Construction Update

Having returned to site after the Christmas break, here is the latest update from the developer and builder with regards to settlement timing.

Lots 8-16 have now been advised their properties are ready for bank valuations, with settlement forecasted for February 2023.

Lots 17 – 25, and lots 34 – 36:  settlement is forecasted for March – Aril 2023. 

Lots 37 & 38 are now forecasted to settle in April 2023.

Lots 26  – 33 are forecasted to settle in February – March 2023.

We will be in contact with you at the relevant times to inform you of bank valuation dates, pre settlement inspection dates then settlement. 


December | Completion Update

Unfortunately there have been further delays on site due to weather and trade delays.

It’s now forecasted that lots 8-16 will not settle until February 2023, with valuations to commence in late January 2023. 

Lots 17 – 25, 37 and 38 are forecasted to settle in March 2023

Lots 26  – 33 are forecasted to settle in February – March 2023

Lots 34  – 36 are forecasted to settle in March – April 2023

 Valuations will take place on the above lots in the new year. We hope to get a better understanding  of valuation dates from the Builder in mid January when they return from the holiday break.  

Window Furnishings Reminder

All lots will now have been sent a window furnishings quote via Property Settlement Solutions, from Lovelight. If you have not received this, please contact Lovelight directly on 1300 763 171

November | Window Furnishings Guidelines

The Owners Corporation Specification for window furnishings (roller blinds and curtains) is as follows, and is allowed without prior approval from the Owners Corporation:

White, Black, Dark Grey.

This applies to the backing facing outwards and visible from outside the Lot. Any variation from this instruction will require approval prior to installation.

October | Construction Update

Firstly, despite the vast rains recently, we’d like to reassure purchasers that flooding has not been experienced at Ascot Place and water damage has not occurred.  


Lots 1-7

Bank valuation inspections are to commence in early November. Individual emails have gone to these purchasers. If you haven’t heard from Property Settlement Solutions, please contact Tania Torres on tania@settlement-solutions.com.au

Purchaser pre settlement inspections will take place before settlement. Individual emails will go to purchasers to announce these inspection time and dates.

Settlement is anticipated for December 2022

Lots 8-16

Bank valuation inspections are proposed to commence in the middle of November 2022 so please continue to push your finance applications through, should you be obtaining finance to complete the settlement of your property. 

Purchaser pre settlement inspections will take place before settlement.

Settlement in anticipated in late December 2022 to early January 2023. 

Lots 17-38

Works are continuing well on site with settlement of these lots ranging from January to March 2023. 

We will continue to update you and finesse dates as they are made available.

September | Construction Update

  • Lots 1-7 – plaster installation commenced. Façade installation almost complete.
    • Settlement anticipated for November – December 2022
  • Lots 8-16:
    • Framing compete & roof installed.
    • Brickwork complete
    • Settlement expected – December 22 to Feb 23
  • Lots 17-25
    • Framing almost complete
    • Settlement anticipated early 2023
  • Lots 26-33
    • Framing complete, brickwork about to commence.
    • Settlement anticipated early 2023
  • Lots 34-38
    • Framing underway
    • Settlement anticipated early 2023

Finance Commencement Now

Now is the time to commence finance applications, if obtaining finance to complete the settlement of your townhouse.

It is important you commence the process now to settle on time, towards the end of 2022 or early into 2023, and avoid any late settlement penalties.

Do not underestimate the time required to complete your finance applications. Banks and financiers are experiencing great demand so the timeframe to complete your application may be longer than anticipated or what you have experienced in the past.  

Please contact Port Finance, details below, should you require a highly experienced “off the plan” finance provider. 

August | Construction Update

Coming Soon. Click here to is a link to the last update sent to purchasers in June 2022. 

Port Finance - Your Finance Recommendation

In 2001 Port Finance was established to provide residential and investment home loans in Australia.  We have worked with some of Australia’s best known property developers to help clients when purchasing ‘off the plan’ as well as providing finance for many international and overseas buyers.

With a strong long-term relationship with Metro Property Development and the recommended finance broker for their Ascot Vale and Northcote developments, Port Finance can offer clients products from over 30 lenders including high profile institutions and boutique lenders.

Port Finance continues to satisfy their clients with a well rounded and complete financial service.

Contact the team for a no obligation review of any of your financial needs:

E: krysty@portfinance.com.au

T: 03 9006 4703

Important Settlement Information

Later this year




At about 3-4 months before settlement you should start to narrow down what financial options you have to settle.

Will you settle by cash, get a home loan, or maybe a combination?

Should you choose to finance with a loan, we recommend you appoint a broker to assist you with your applications.


We'll let you know once your apartment is ready bank valuations will be available, usually there are required as part of your loan application.

For purchasers bringing money into Australia, make sure you have set up an Australian bank account and begin transferring your money.


At this point construction on your new home is almost complete. We will send you an invite to conduct your pre-settlement inspection.

Any defects picked up in your inspection, will be noted and passed to the builder to begin addressing.


Once your inspection is complete the next stage is to wait for the Occupancy Permit and Titles to be issued so settlement can be called.

Your finance, either cash transfer or Bank loan, should be finalised and ready for settlement.

During this time the builder will continue to address any defects where possible.


Once settlement is called your conveyancer will assist you in preparing for your settlement.

Make sure your loan has been finalised and your cash is ready.

Once your settlement is complete the keys to your new home will be available to collect.


Your settlement has been finalised.

We'll pass on details of the move in process and helpful information so you can get ready for your new home.

Your dedicated Owners corporation/ building manager will now be your point of contact & assist you with settling in to your new home.



Senior Settlement Co-ordinator

+61 477 015 826

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